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Mazda Jenab Deputy Branch Head
Nutrition and Metabolism

Speciality: Nutrition Epidemiology
Year Degree Major Institution Country/Town
2000 PhD University of Toronto Canada / Toronto
1995 MSc University of Toronto Canada / Toronto
1992 BSc University of Toronto Canada / Toronto
Current Research Projects

The Influence of Lifestyle, Diet, Obesity and Inflammation on the Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Cholangiocarcinoma: A Comprehensive Prospective Investigation based on French and European Cohorts in the EPIC Study.
M. Jenab, V. Fedirko

Pathways to Colorectal Cancer: Do excess energy consumption and the processes of oxidative stress interact and are they modulated by increased colonic permeability, inflammation, endotoxin exposure and toxic by-products of excess energy consumption?
M. Jenab, E. Riboli, P.J O’Brien, G. Eyssen, R. Bruce,

A pathway approach to study the biological effects of vitamin D on colorectal carcinogenesis: Exploration of gene-nutrient, gene-environment and gene-gene interactions.
M. Jenab, E. Riboli, A. Siddiq, V. Fedirko

Colorectal Cancer Risk: The Influence of Selenoprotein Gene Variants and Blood Selenium Status
M. Jenab, D. Hughes, J. Hesketh, E. Riboli

Consortium on Health and Ageing Network of Cohorts in Europe and the United States (CHANCES)
P. Boffetta, A. Trichopoulou, M. Jenab

Selected Publications

Aleksandrova K, Boeing H, Jenab M, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Jansen E, van Duijnhoven FJ, Fedirko V, Rinaldi S, Romieu I, Riboli E, Romaguera D, Westphal S, Overvad K, Tjønneland A, Boutron-Ruault MC, Clavel-Chapelon F, Kaaks R, Lukanova A, Trichopoulou A, Lagiou P, Trichopoulos D, Agnoli C, Mattiello A, Saieva C, Vineis P, Tumino R, Peeters PH, Argüelles M, Bonet C, Sánchez MJ, Dorronsoro M, Huerta JM, Barricarte A, Palmqvist R, Hallmans G, Khaw KT, Wareham N, Allen NE, Crowe FL, Pischon T. (2012) Total and high-molecular weight adiponectin and risk of colorectal cancer: the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Study. Carcinogenesis : Epub Ahead of Print

Fedirko V, Riboli E, Tjønneland A, Ferrari P, Olsen A, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, van Duijnhoven FJ, Norat T, Jansen EH, Dahm CC, Overvad K, Boutron-Ruault MC, Clavel-Chapelon F, Racine A, Lukanova A, Teucher B, Boeing H, Aleksandrova K, Trichopoulou A, Benetou V, Trichopoulos D, Grioni S, Vineis P, Panico S, Palli D, Tumino R, Siersema PD, Peeters PH, Skeie G, Brustad M, Chirlaque MD, Barricarte A, Ramón Quirós J, Sánchez MJ, Dorronsoro M, Bonet C, Palmqvist R, Hallmans G, Key TJ, Crowe F, Khaw KT, Wareham N, Romieu I, McKay J, Wark PA, Romaguera D, Jenab M. (2012) Prediagnostic 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, VDR and CASR Polymorphisms, and Survival in Patients with Colorectal Cancer in Western European Populations. CEBP; 21(4) : 582-593

Fedirko V, Tramacere I, Bagnardi V, Rota M, Scotti L, Islami F, Negri E, Straif K, Romieu I, La Vecchia C, Boffetta P, Jenab M (2011) Alcohol drinking and colorectal cancer risk: an overall and dose-response meta-analysis of published studies Ann Oncol. ; 22(9) : 1958-1972

Jenab M, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Ferrari P, van Duijnhoven FJ, Norat T, Pischon T, Jansen EH, Slimani N, Byrnes G, Rinaldi S, Tjønneland A, Olsen A, Overvad K, Boutron-Ruault MC, Clavel-Chapelon F, Morois S, Kaaks R, Linseisen J, Boeing H, Bergmann MM, Trichopoulou A, Misirli G, Trichopoulos D, Berrino F, Vineis P, Panico S, Palli D, Tumino R, Ros MM, van Gils CH, Peeters PH, Brustad M, Lund E, Tormo MJ, Ardanaz E, Rodríguez L, Sánchez MJ, Dorronsoro M, Gonzalez CA, Hallmans G, Palmqvist R, Roddam A, Key TJ, Khaw KT, Autier P, Hainaut P, Riboli E. (2010) Association between pre-diagnostic circulating vitamin D concentration and risk of colorectal cancer in European populations:a nested case-control study. BMJ; 340:b5500 : 10.1136/bmj.b5500

Jenab M, Slimani N, Bictash M, Ferrari P, Bingham SA. (2009) Biomarkers in nutritional epidemiology: applications, needs and new horizons. Human Genetics; 125(5-6) : 507-525

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Published in section: WHO'S WHO

Publication date: 19 July, 2018, 11:20

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