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31 May 2023
Bulgaria Romania

IARC and partners launch 4P-CAN project

Researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the Centre for Innovation in Medicine, and 14 European partner institutions launched the “Personalized CANcer Primary Prevention research through Citizen Participation and digitally enabled social innovation” (4P-CAN) project at a meeting in Bucharest, Romania, on 16–17 May 2023.

The project will draw on the European Code Against Cancer, implementation research, social sciences, humanities, and behavioural sciences to create personalized tools to improve primary prevention of cancer over a period of 4 years. 4P-CAN will also establish two living laboratories, one in Romania and one in Bulgaria, targeting the adoption of preventive behaviours based on the 12 recommendations of the European Code Against Cancer.

IARC will contribute a series of implementation research activities related to designing personalized interventions for primary prevention. In addition, results and knowledge from 4P-CAN will feed into the 5th edition of the European Code Against Cancer, which is currently being prepared.

4P-CAN is funded by the Horizon Cancer Mission of the European Union.

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Published in section: IARC News

Publication date: 31 May, 2023, 0:31

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© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2025

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