Les sites web des programmes de recherche

Branches de Recherche Accueil Surveillance du cancer

Branche Surveillance du cancer

  1. Global Cancer Observatory
    GCO Cancer Today, Globocan 2018
  2. ACCIS: Automated Childhood Cancer Information System
  3. Cancer inequalities
  4. CI5: Cancer Incidence in Five Continents
  5. CRICCS: Cancer Risk in Childhood Cancer Survivors
  6. EU-CanIneq: Mapping Socioeconomic Inequalities in Cancer Mortality across European Countries
  7. GICR: Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development
  8. IICC: International Incidence of Childhood Cancer
  9. NORDCAN: Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Prevalence and Survival in the Nordic Countries
  10. SURVIVAL: International Cancer Survival Benchmarking
  11. WHO Cancer Mortality Database
Epidémiologie génomique

Branche Epidémiologie génomique

  1. BEED: Bladder Cancer Epidemiology and Early Detection in Africa study
  2. DISCERN: Discovering the Causes of Three Poorly Understood Cancers in Europe
  3. HEADSpAcE: Translational Studies of Head and Neck Cancer in South America and Europe
  4. ILCCO: International Lung Cancer Consortium
  5. InterCHANGE: The role of HPV, genetics, tobacco and alcohol consumption in the etiology and clinical outcome of head and neck cancers in Latin America
  6. LC3: The Lung Cancer Cohort Consortium
  7. VOYAGER: The role of germline and somatic DNA mutations in oral and oropharyngeal cancers
Nutrition et métabolisme

Branche Nutrition et métabolisme

  1. EDSMAR: Determinants of Breast Cancer in Morocco study
  2. EPIC: The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
  3. Exposome-Explorer Database
  4. PRECAMA study: Molecular Subtypes of Premenopausal Breast Cancer in Latin American Women
  5. SABC: South Africa Breast Cancer study
Services de soutien des laboratoires et Biobanque

    Services de soutien des laboratoires et Biobanque

  1. BCNet: Biobank and Cohort Building Network
  2. IARC Biobank
Epidémiologie de l’environnement et du mode de vie

Branche Epidémiologie de l’environnement et du mode de vie

  1. ABC-DO: African Breast Cancer-Disparities in Outcomes study
  2. AGRICOH: A Consortium of Agricultural Cohort Studies
  3. ARCH: Agenda for Research on Chernobyl Health
  4. ASBEST CHRYSOTILE COHORT STUDY: Occupational exposure to chrysotile in workers in mines and processing facilities in Asbest, Russian Federation
  5. BEED: Bladder Cancer Epidemiology and Early Detection in Africa study
  6. Cancer Prevention Europe
  7. CLIC: Childhood Cancer and Leukemia International Consortium
  8. CO-CHER: Cooperation on Chernobyl Health Research
  9. COSMOS: Etude de cohorte sur l′utilisation des téléphones portables et santé
  10. ECAC: European Code Against Cancer
  11. EPI-CT: International pediatric CT scan study
  12. ESCCAPE: Oesophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma African Prevention Research
  13. GALnet: The Global Acute Leukaemia network
  14. International Consortium on Mammographic Density
  15. Maternal Orphans due to Cancer Deaths: Global Estimates project
  16. Research on Potential Long-Term Health Effects of Tattooing
  17. SEMI-NUC project: Prospective cohort study of residents near the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site – feasibility assessment
  18. SYNERGY: A pooled analysis of case-control studies on the joint effects of occupational carcinogens in the development of lung cancer
  19. The INTERPHONE study
  20. TM-NUC: Thyroid Monitoring after Nuclear Accidents
  21. World Code Against Cancer Framework
Epigénomique et Mécanisme

Branche Epigénomique et Mécanisme

  1. ARISTOCANCERS: Investigating human cancers associated with exposure to aristolochic acids
  2. EpiChildCan: Identifying epigenetic markers of childhood cancer risk
  3. EpiDRIVERS: Identifying epigenetic driver genes (epidrivers) in cancer and their link to environmental carcinogens/exposures
  4. EpiMARKS+: Identifying epigenetic biomarkers of breast cancer risk and their environmental/lifestyle determinants
  5. MUTSPEC 2.0 project: Toxicogenomics and functional impact of carcinogen exposure in humans and experimental models
Détection précoce, prévention et infections

Branche Détection précoce, prévention et infections

  1. The CanScreen-ECIS project
  2. CanScreen5: Cancer Screening in Five Continents
  3. Cancer Screening at IARC
  4. HPV-AHEAD: Role of human papillomavirus infection and other co-factors in the etiology of head and neck cancer in Europe and India
Synthèse des données et classification

Branche Synthèse des données et classification

  1. IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention
  2. IARC Monographs on the Identification of Carcinogenic Hazards to Humans
  3. WHO Classification of Tumours Series (WHO Blue Books)
  4. International Collaboration for Cancer Classification and Research (IC3R)
  5. Mapping the Evidence for the World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumours: a Living Evidence Gap Map by Tumour Type (WCT EVI MAP)
Formation et renforcement des capacités

Branche Formation et renforcement des capacités

  1. Capacity-Building
  2. IARC Learning
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