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8 March 2021
Breast cancer

International Women’s Day 2021
New report highlights key measures to improve breast cancer outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa

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​In conjunction with International Women’s Day and today’s launch of the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Breast Cancer Initiative, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has released an IARC Evidence Summary Brief about the African Breast Cancer – Disparities in Outcomes Study (ABC-DO). This report, titled “Breast Cancer Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa”, is the first in a series of scientific Evidence Summary Briefs published by IARC to call attention to the findings of evidence-based studies in key aspects of cancer prevention.
Read the press release

IARC Press Release 296

New report highlights key measures to improve breast cancer outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa
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Read the Evidence Summary Brief about ABC-DO

Evidence Summary Brief about ABC-DO

Breast Cancer Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa, IARC Evidence Summary Brief No. 1
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View the related video

IARC and the WHO Global Breast Cancer Initiative

In a new video to mark International Women’s Day, the launch of the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Breast Cancer Initiative, and the publication by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the first IARC Evidence Summary Brief, about the African Breast Cancer – Disparities in Outcomes Study (ABC-DO), Dr Valerie McCormack of the Environment and Lifestyle Epidemiology Branch at IARC gives an overview of the goals of the Global Breast Cancer Initiative and describes one of the studies on breast cancer survival coordinated by IARC.

Dr Valerie McCormack, Scientist, Environment and Lifestyle Epidemiology Branch

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Visit the ABC-DO website Evidence Summary Briefs series

IARC Evidence Summary Briefs series

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