The International Agency for Research on Cancer, with headquarters at 150 Cours Albert Thomas 69008 Lyon, France is launching a Request for Proposal for the purchase of audio-visual equipment for the Nouveau Centre, its headquarters currently under construction in Lyon 69007, France (auditorium, conference rooms, meeting rooms, training room, web-conference room, confidentiality bubbles, reception hall, cafeteria, management offices).
The specifications detailing the tender procedure, administrative specifications and technical specifications, shall be requested by email at the following address [email protected]
The said email shall contain the indications listed below
- Subject of the email: RFP-NC-08 ASO Audiovisuel – Request for Specifications
- Name of the company
- Name, function, telephone number and email of the contact person
- The specifications will be available from Monday 24 January 2022.
- Deadline: Friday 04 March 2022 before 6.00pm (Paris time, CEST).