Related websites
Global Cancer Observatory
The Global Cancer Observatory is an interactive web-based platform that presents global cancer indicators of direct relevance to cancer research and policy, developed via CSU’s descriptive research programme. The Global Cancer Observatory is constantly evolving; at present there are six subsites:
Cancer Today
Showcases the global burden today based on the national GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence, mortality, and prevalence, which are derived using available data from cancer registries and national vital statistics offices worldwide.
- Cancer Tomorrow
Provides predictions of the future cancer burden worldwide, based on the GLOBOCAN estimates and various projection scenarios.
- Cancer Causes
Provides estimates of the global burden attributable to specific major causes of cancer.
- Cancer Survival
Provides comparable survival estimates in different populations, based on CSU’s continuing cancer survival research work.
- Cancer Over Time
Currently under development, this subsite will provide detailed analyses of cancer incidence and mortality trends nationally.
- Cancer Stories
Cancer stories are interactive stories telling cancer facts through visualizations.
Cancer survival estimates
A major component of CSU’s research work involves the development of comparable population-based cancer survival estimates for benchmarking purposes. Three international projects are under way that seek to assist planners in assessing the effectiveness of cancer services in different settings:
- Cancer Survival in High-Income Countries (SURVMARK)
This website compares cancer survival, alongside incidence and mortality, across seven cancer types in seven countries, as part of the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership (ICBP). The project is measuring international differences in cancer survival (where feasible, by stage) to identify factors driving observed differences.
- A Consortium on Risk Factors and Cancer Survival (SURVPOOL)
This project is building a consortium of cohort studies with the aim of exploring the role of lifetime exposure to modifiable risk factors, such as how cumulative exposure to overweight and obesity affects cancer survival.
- Cancer Survival in Countries in Transition (SURVCAN)
This is the third IARC initiative seeking to produce comparable survival statistics for countries in transition, with a major expansion of the coverage area compared with previous iterations. In addition to benchmarking survival in LMICs, SURVCAN aims to enhance local capacity to collect follow-up data and perform survival analyses.
Other databases
- Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (CI5)
This series of monographs, published every 5 years, has become the reference source of data on the international incidence of cancer. The CI5 databases online provide access to detailed information on the incidence of cancer recorded by cancer registries (subnational or national) worldwide in different formats.
- WHO Cancer Mortality Database
This website contains selected cancer mortality statistics by country, converted and/or recoded to a common system before presentation.
This website presents comparable cancer statistics for Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the Faroe Islands, and Greenland.
Childhood cancer
- Cancer Risk in Childhood Cancer Survivors (CRICCS)
A collaborative population-based project funded by Children with Cancer UK. Among the aims are to estimate the prevalence of childhood cancer survivors in Europe and to quantify the risk of second primary neoplasms in survivors of childhood cancer in Europe.
- International Incidence of Childhood Cancer (IICC)
Disseminates recorded data on the incidence of cancer in children around the world, based on publication of the IICC series, currently in its third volume (IICC-3).
- Automated Childhood Cancer Information System (ACCIS)
An authoritative source of data on cancer incidence and survival of children and adolescents in Europe. The primary aim is to disseminate comprehensive information about the occurrence and outcome of various cancers in young people in Europe, to stimulate research and inform public health policies.
Cancer Inequalities
- Cancer Inequalities
Cancer incidence and mortality are not equally distributed across countries and individuals. This research programme aims to characterize social inequalities in cancer within the wider context of global transitions and the profile of cancer while also considering the underlying mechanisms and the inefficiencies in the equitable provision of health-care services.
Registry websites
- International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR)
CSU provides the Secretariat for the IACR and hosts the website of this professional society, which is dedicated to fostering the aims and activities of cancer registries worldwide.
- Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development (GICR)
This website provides details of the activities of the GICR, which seeks to assist countries in transition to build their capacity to collect local cancer data, synthesize the data, and disseminate the findings, so that targeted actions can be taken to tackle the rising cancer burden.